Latest news site Mashable claims that Twitter (Twitter) ambush Analytics product development using statistical analysis of each Twitter. According to a report which also stated that another. Now the company has released a trial version to experiment with Twitter Analytics group of users who have been selected and then some. The full version will open in late 2010 is this
For information that they receive from Twitter Analytics is in the form of the type of influence you. Overview of the various tweets. How to get into? Or tweets and what they lost followers (followers) to Twitter Analytics can also help you to know that another.Who else is important when he said (Reply) or RT of your message.
Chief Evan Willams expect a queue in an interview in the Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco today Should be announced clearly on Twitter Analytics with the Site, however, announced last service alerts the user via SMS or Twitter App on the iPhone when someone says to you. Or reply to messages.