วันพุธที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Buy Dell Streak on this contract with a new color 2 color

Previously, he was ahead market operation. Smart Phone / Mini Tablet 5 inches since July Asada months ago. Binding agreement with trailers use a two-year service provider may make. Smart Phone / Mini Tablet This is not popular enough, so Dell has decided to allow new strategies to increase sales in the market by Hyuk order to unlock the agreement. Release version with a white breast and red pampered with an additional user.

Dell Streak is a Smart Phone or Mini Tablet that is only 5-inch drives to work with a powerhouse Android processed by CPU speed 1GHz have a camera on the back size, 5 megapixel camera and front supports video calls Video Call again. With the two new colors will be produced to sell White Pure white. Cherry and red available for purchase as a black classical Been released since last summer. Currently, all three colors are available only in the U.S. Best Buy stores only. But the white and red will be the Android version 1.6 to the latest version instead. Because at this point, the manufacturer should see that the upgrade would be better to put the latest version of it sure enough.
Interested parties can buy at a cost of U.S. $ 579 for the classic black. That comes with working with Android version 2.2 features in this version. Users can connect to the mobile network supports Flash and MultiTouch For those who own small portable devices, IT is and will not have to hurt. Because the manufacturer has released an updated version to download for users in Europe. The U.S. side must wait for next month

