วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Release date of Intel's Sandy Bridge next year.

Today, the website Expreview.com. Has revealed details on available CPU each generation architecture Sandy Bridge of Intel that the CPU first ten versions of the table below will be released on 9 January next year and expects that we will see military motherboard socket. Skating LAG1155 released at nearly the same.

From the table that the CPU four core consists of Core i7 and i5 the same name, where i7 is maintained as a 4-core 8-threaded performance and cache level three of the 8MB version of K to the end that means. the CPU has been unlocked multiplier to Black and then. Makes overclocking much easier. Version as soon as possible at this time is 'Core i72600/2600K running at 3.4GHz for' the BClk of Sandy Bridge is at 100MHz (Intel's Core family sold today is at 133MHz).

Later, on February 20 Intel will release younger secondary Core i3, at most, there is no Turbo Boost come with except for the 2930T and the months subsequent to that Intel will release versions of Pentium, the younger the youngest out. offline market lower.

