If the trends identified in Thailand Impact would be several years from now. However, in tendency to use international phone home base, and in particular public telephone.A number that indicates the usage down to see and point to the trend of the technology. There is no one currently in use. Video tape player as in no more than 2-3 years. This may be because Impacts arising from the Group provides fixed or AOL with apathy in the age limit.
78 percent of adolescents in the United States to see the convenience of using SMS on mobile phones more Tel Sํ to point the basic functions without the use of SMS and communication order food or play if you look at activity in terms of activity. See Analysis and ease of use of SMS with up to 22% and 20% higher speed than the line in conversation. The events and calls decreased by 14% every month.
Survey results that many households in many households in the United States began to cancel fixed line services and adoption of Voice over IP or VOIP, and Skype to communicate more. Because age groups. That changes with trends in technology penetration into daily life. Cause to be accepted. Phone service over the Internet, even the owner of a Search Engine like Google to see changes in this. To be pushed into Google Voice service is another option for users to compete with Skype.
In view of communication. Everything is out of date. By rotation, they were hand-written letter. One day, they retired to a small number or a fixed telephone line in use at several area rugs in different countries were dismantled and buried fiber opticEverything changes constantly, just as significant changes occur. For all to see in 2008, that is, human communication. Moving from physical form. From calling each other. Become a form of communication via text "Text Based" Nowadays, anyone who starts this form Degongnegn. If you think not even look around to see who do not use Whatapp, BlackBerry Messenger, Facebook, Twitter and Social Network Tools do the same.