วันพุธที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Google engineer support "There are no minimum specifications" for Gingerbread

User Andrew steroids now. If a high-end models. Should not be a problem in the updated version. But for the middle generation may not have sensitivity up. "Gingerbread" or version 2.3 specification from the data that supports a minimum, however, the engineers at Google have come out Has Not rumors. "Smart phones will be required to upgrade Gingerbread CPU speed 1GHz or above, and further confirm that if any version is running Froyo will be able to use the new version better.

  The Model File. Will not be discussed. Because of limitations in the machine properties. May be upgraded as much Froyo but if anyone uses a version of the middle "Optimus One" are waiting for a chance to win the 2.3 upgrade it offline, but it may have to cut some features out as 2.2.

