วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Foxconn accelerate production to keep pace during the long weekend. Announcement employment increased more than 1 million people

Foxconn said many people would think, but the news out in a negative way that someone will set up a factory to another hell, I can say that. But today it is considered good news than previous visits by Foxconn one of the factories Chinese employed to produce electron electronics for Hyundai IT companies and giant multi-companies such as Apple, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard. , Dell, Nintendo, Nokia, Microsoft, Sony, and Sony Ericsson, etc. have recently announced hiring labor to accelerate the production hundreds of thousands of pieces of a different order to keep up the demand during the holiday season long to do it. this number to 1.3 million people.

        The last of those factory workers. Faced with the need to work under harsh conditions like hell, whether it's factory abuse. , Security issues, the training intensity, lower wages and more than that when a company faced with a suicidal state workers. After the fatal incident Foxconn has decided to increase wages for workers is the number to 1,200 yuan per month and add up the wages for the second time, 2,000 yuan in October last. By more than 85% of workers employed on or before March 31 are eligible to receive salary increase But it is not clear how many of all

